Flash Components Lesson for Actionscript 3 !
Well this has been a heavily requested lesson, and one that I actually learned quite a bit from by teaching it...
"All About Components" (apt title right) It of course covers all of Flash CS3's User Interface Components. Which includes...
- CS3 Button Component - simple clickable button. This part also teaches how to change the text style of this component (and all others)
- CS3 CheckBox Component - simple checkbox, turns a value on or off
- CS3 ColorPicker Component -gives users a pallette to choose colors from. This part demos how to tint objects / text to that color
- CS3 ComboBox Component -basic pulldown menu
- CS3 DataGrid Component - displays tabular type data, This includes loading an XML file into a data grid (example file included)
- CS3 Label Component -simple label, often used with another component to describe it
- CS3 List Component -scrollable list
- CS3 NumericStepper Component - For clicking to step up or down a number at specified intervals
-CS3 ProgressBar Component - used for showing the loading progress of the current file or externally loaded content (examples for each)
-CS3 RadioButton Component - great for a multiple choice type quiz (includes an example quiz file, great for teachers)
-CS3 ScrollPane Component - scrollable container for content (images, movieclips, swfs, etc)
-CS3 Slider Component - simple slider device, could be used for moving objects onstages or changing values
-CS3 TextArea Component - used for a scrolling dynamic text
-CS3 TextInput Component - used for capturing user input
-CS3 TileList Component - perfect for loading a thumbnail gallery, or any series of full size images. Could be set as a grid or rows/columns
-CS3 UILoader Component - used for loading external image files (includes other swfs)
-CS3 UIScrollBar Component - used for a scrolling dynamic text, the example includes loading text from a .txt file online
During the lesson and in each example file we've demonstrated code for the most common uses of each component.
Trace statements in each file are used to output different example values that could be useful in your project. Of course watching the tutorial videos are your best learning source, but if you're in a hurry for a quick example of each component, these example files will be a handy reference and stepping stone for exploring each component's full uses.
Example files include a component already onstage and a runtime-created version of the component.
All code is written in Actionscript 3
Interested? Check out the sales page here.... All About Components