New Animation FX Tutorials!
This latest lesson is a hodge podge of various Flash animation effects. The list includes, how to create (and animate)...
Smoke Ring Explosions
Crazy Frenetic Highlights (think Ren & Stimpy style highlight)
Electricity Beams ( think Ghostbuster beams)
Spiky Explosion Blasts
Spiral Trails (could be used as a gun shot after-effect)
Glamourous Lighting ( think over-exposed twinkly lights )
Impact Smoke Puffs (think piano-dropping after effects)
Club Lights or Police Lights (blazing spiky lights)
Gloomy Mist / Metallic Liquid (could be good for a ghosty look)
Water (check out the image below)
Check out the site for full details and animated versions of each Flash effect.